DS Pipe and Steel Supply

Hand Towels

Hand towels are typically small, absorbent pieces of fabric or disposable paper products that serve various purposes. They are crucial in maintaining cleanliness, safety, and efficiency within piping and plumbing work environments. They can be made from different materials, including cotton, microfiber, disposable paper, or synthetic blends designed for durability and absorbency. Colored or marked hand towels may be used for specific purposes or to identify different areas of a piping system. For instance, color-coded towels might distinguish between clean and dirty areas or specific types of pipes.

Hand towels are designed to absorb moisture quickly and efficiently, making them suitable for wiping and drying various surfaces, tools, and hands. Piping systems often involve handling fluids, oils, and lubricants, which can lead to spills and messes. Hand towels are used to wipe down surfaces, pipes, and tools to prevent contamination and maintain cleanliness.

In the piping industry, safety is paramount. Hand towels can clean up spills, reducing workplace slip and fall hazards. They can also be utilized to wipe hands and maintain a firm grip on tools, especially when working with pipes, valves, and other equipment. Workers often handle various materials and come into contact with different surfaces. Hand towels promote good hygiene by cleaning hands after handling potentially hazardous or dirty substances.

Some companies may opt for reusable hand towels to reduce waste. These towels can be laundered and reused multiple times, contributing to sustainability efforts. Hand towels are sometimes used in emergencies to contain and absorb spills or leaks, preventing environmental damage and helping to mitigate potential hazards.