DS Pipe and Steel Supply

Butt Weld

Butt welding is used to join two pieces of metal together along a single plane, typically in a linear fashion. It is commonly employed in the piping industry to create strong and permanent connections between pipes or pipe fittings. The process involves heating the ends of the pipes or fittings to be joined, allowing them to melt and fuse together.

The ends of the pipes or fittings are prepared by beveling or machining. This creates a V-shaped or U-shaped groove at the end of each pipe. The degree of the bevel depends on the material thickness and the welding process being used. The prepared ends are then aligned precisely, ensuring the pipes or fittings are in the correct position for welding. Proper alignment is crucial for achieving a strong and reliable weld. 

The aligned ends are heated to the appropriate welding temperature. The heating can be done using various methods, such as electric resistance, gas flames, or induction heating. The ends are brought together once the material is sufficiently heated, and pressure is applied to form a solid weld. After welding, the welded joint is allowed to cool naturally. Cooling is critical to forming a strong metallurgical bond between the joined pieces.